In the 1980s, the kiss cam was a sensation that swept through professional baseball stadiums. It was a light-hearted diversion during TV timeouts, and an unexpected way to take advantage of video displays. Decades later, the kiss cam has become an indoor and outdoor sports tradition.
It’s a simple concept. A video camera scans the crowd, selects couples and shows a live shot of them on your Watchfire sports video display. While on the big screen, the couples kiss and are rewarded with cheers from the crowd. Adding audio to the activity makes it a fun fan experience.
Here are our ten favorite tunes for inspiring love at your next sporting event.
1. “Then He Kissed Me” by The Crystals
This sugary sweet chart-topper is known and loved across multiple generations. It’s a wonderful soundtrack to love at any age.
2. “Kiss on My List” by Hall & Oates
This 1980s pop tune does just what it needs to do during a kiss cam, tells people to pucker up. It is a favorite at many NBA games.
3. “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye
You wouldn’t think mixing Marvin Gaye’s sultry voice and a facility full of cheering fans would work, but it does. This R&B classic is a wildly popular choice for kiss cams.
4. “Love Shack” by the B-52’s
By itself, this bouncy beauty energizes fans. Combine it with kissing couples and you have a fan experience worth sharing on social networks.
5. “This Kiss” by Faith Hill
Finding clean, family-friendly contemporary music can be challenging. This county song is catchy enough to get fans dancing and innocent enough not to offend.
6. “Kiss the Girl” from the movie “The Little Mermaid”
Not sure what to do when your smiling face is splashed larger than life on the big screen? This Disney song sums it up, “go ahead and kiss the girl”.
7. “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole
This melody has a slower pace than the others on this list, but it still builds excitement at stadiums and arenas. Its soothing tones makes the love-filled kisses sweeter and the humorous smooches funnier.
8. “The Shoop Shoop Song” by Betty Everett
Usually called “It’s in His Kiss,” this little ditty has a catchy beat and lyrics. Remade versions, like the one from Cher, make an entertaining soundtrack for any kiss cam.
9. “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer
This guilty pleasure song will make you feel like a teenager in love. It’s charming background music for your live video.
10. “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong
Who says it has to be a kiss cam? With Watchfire’s Ignite Sports software, you can change the “Kiss Cam” title to a “Hug Cam” title in seconds. This tune and live video of hugging friends will get your facility enthralled and engaged in no time.
Raise the energy level and revenue potential at your facility with a Watchfire video display that features your own kiss cam. From expertise to equipment, and from inception to installation, Watchfire offers everything you need to build a state-of-the-art video display system. Our displays are designed with high-contrast LEDs, a rapid refresh rate and an incredible viewing angle. We offer completed control room packages, including computers, touchscreens, video cameras, software and audio-video equipment, so you don’t have to shop around or stress over making the right choice. Take fan experiences to the next level with an unforgettable kiss cam from Watchfire.