True Color Calibration Gives Watchfire Billboards Perfect Color and Brightness Uniformity
August 3, 2017

Watchfire manufactures digital billboards with high quality LEDs, meticulously sourced and tightly graded by color and brightness. Our LED binning process is up to 4 times more refined than manufacturers who rely on single-bin LEDs. Then we take our focus on uniformity a step further, color calibrating every digital billboard and XVS LED sign, pixel to pixel, module to module, across each sign.
This additional step means that Watchfire digital signs are 70% more uniform than an uncalibrated LED display. And that means brand colors are reproduced perfectly, skin tones look natural and content stays true to life – on day one and for years to come.
Without color calibration, digital signs can noticeably deteriorate from variations known as tiling and quilting. Distracting color variations make content look sloppy, and may even prompt you to replace a board after just a few years.
Learn more about our proprietary color calibration process in this short video.