MotoMart Convenience Stores
MotoMart, a gas station and convenience store chain owned by FKG Oil, prides itself on offering a loyalty program and other valuable goods and services to its customers. The majority of the chain’s stores used manual letter board signs to advertise store items until MotoMart Facilities Supervisor, Andrew Wall, realized they didn’t keep customers updated often enough.
When MotoMart purchased its first 19mm Watchfire sign for a station in Belleville, Ill., the vibrant messages advertised the company’s popular loyalty program, daily specials and highlighted in-store promotions. These messages improved sales, drawing customers from the gas pumps into the store to take advantage of promotions and specials featuring the store’s highest profit-margin products.
“When we put promotions on digital message centers, it definitely drives shoppers to the bargain,” Wall said. He was so happy with the convenience, reliability and performance of his Watchfire signs that he purchased seven more signs for additional locations.
This success also led Walls to install Watchfire Price Watcher gas price signs after being impressed with the design and construction. “The difference between Watchfire’s Price Watcher and competitor models is how they’re built,” said Walls. “With LED signs, the biggest potential failure is from moisture. But with Watchfire’s signs, water just doesn’t affect it. It can’t get in.” MotoMart purchased its first Price Watcher sign for their store in Godfrey, Ill.
MotoMart now owns several signs throughout the state. Each one advertises their loyalty card program, company website, car washes, gas prices and in-store promotions. Watchfire’s Ignite content management software is a hit with company employees too.
“Watchfire’s software is great and so easy to use,” Wall concludes. “We know when we put certain products on the sign, we sell more of them. I would have to say we have seen a definite increase in business from our signs.”
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