Ignite OA: Rotary Scheduling Gives Operators New Ways to Sell Ads
October 4, 2024

Watchfire is excited to introduce our latest update to our powerful Ignite OA digital billboard software. Our new rotary scheduling features give operators new ways to sell ads and maximize the value delivered to their customers.
The Rotary features allow digital billboard schedulers to rotate content around a group of billboards easily. Whether your billboards are in the same city, along the interstate, or in a Metropolitan statistical area, rotary scheduling opens new opportunities for your sales team to fulfill customer needs by providing more unique impressions and faster market reach for a given number of spots sold.
Ignite OA offers three types of Rotary Scheduling:
Ad rotary: Allows ads in a campaign to rotate around selected billboards. One ad plays every rotation (usually every minute) on one billboard, and then the following ad in the campaign plays in the next rotation on the next billboard.
Ad rotary on all billboards: Each billboard offsets one ad, playing all the ads in a campaign. Every ad is shown in order on each selected billboard within the rotation (again, often every minute).
Campaign rotary: This works similarly to the ad rotary option, but your entire campaign will rotate around your signs at select periods. Have your campaign play on one or more billboards for the first week, then play on a different billboard(s) for week two and continue that process for each of your selected billboards. Operators can even set a campaign rotary to move ads around billboards on specific date ranges or days of the week.
There is no need to make complicated multi-campaign setups; rotary scheduling streamlines the scheduling process. Rotary scheduling introduces new and unique ways for operators to schedule their customers’ ads to maximize play time and coverage.
Contact Watchfire to learn more about rotary scheduling using your Ignite OA software.